Spiritual Renewal
Life can
throw some storms at us that can beat us down.
The results are draining. Frustration. Depression.
Confusion. But God has designed us
for something more. We can be renewed.
Here are 10
simple ways to enjoy a Fall spiritual renewal.
These are a number of ideas like a buffet for you to take and enjoy as
you see fit.
1. Bible Binge
Break away from the normal routine
and binge. Binge on the Bible. Pick a theme
and read. The story of Moses and what
God did to bring the people of Israel out of Egypt is an exciting adventure. Read Exodus and include Psalm 90 (the only Psalm
by Moses).
A New Testament binge could be the
books of Luke and Acts which were both written by Luke. Add in the book of Ephesians. The story of the early days of the church of
Ephesus is in the book of Acts so you get a nice tie into the whole.
2. Walk with God
Go on a walk. Release the pressures of life and see what
God has done in the trees, animals, and sky.
As you move let the fresh air fill you and imagine God’s Spirit invigorating
you from head to toe. As you exhale let the
worries, the heaviness, even the regrets of your life go. Take the refreshing breath in, and let the polluted
air out.
3. Picture Project
There are various seasons. And for us,
it is Fall. A time of harvest.
For everything,
there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be
born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. Ecclesiastes
3:1-2 (NLT)
If you have a camera or one on your
phone use it to capture scenes of the season.
Remembering God is at work. See what
lessons you can learn about God and about life as you capture pictures for an
hour or two.
4. Audio Adventure
What are the sounds of the season? What does Fall sound like? Take a listen. Stop the flood of calls and TV
or other devices.
Close your eyes and
allow your ears the opportunity to take in what God has made. Is the wind blowing? Are the birds moving, singing, or pecking?
What signs of life can you identify by listening? Take a few minutes without
worry or rushing and let the sounds soothe.
5. Special Voices
God uses people to communicate to
others. He has parents, teachers,
pastors, prophets, friends and others who will carry a message.
we never stop thanking God that when you received his message from us, you
didn’t think of our words as mere human ideas. You accepted what we said as the
very word of God—which, of course, it is. And this word continues to work in
you who believe. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 (NLT)
Listen to a message that points you to God and His
truth. Maybe you have one on tape or mp3
that is a favorite. If you don’t have one,
then choose one from the many on OnePlace
Maybe you haven’t really heard the special voices of
those around you. God has placed them in
your life to communicate to you. Wrapped
in those conversations are love and encouragement and maybe just the guidance you
need right now. Listen to those special
voices, and be renewed.
6. Prayer Paths
Prayer is communication with
God. It is wildly invigorating. The wisest and most powerful person ever is
available to listen. He is really a good
listener. He will also get involved in
our lives in ways we didn’t expect because we probably didn’t take the time to talk to Him. Or if we did it was fairly fast and rushed.
Pick a path to walk and ask God to
join you. Pray as you go. Acknowledge Him as God. Confess anything that stands in the way between
you and God. Thank Him for being there with
you. Talk to Him about what is going on
in your life and humbly ask Him for guidance and strength. Listen as He works in you and responds to you. You will notice peace entering deep within.
Don’t worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all
he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything
we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in
Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)
7. Reflective Refuge
Stop! In the name of love. Yep.
Stop. The are lots of things needing
to get done. Many things need your attention. You can get to those refreshed and better
able to handle them by stopping and taking time for reflection. Have you
heard the saying about not seeing the forest for the trees? It is hard to sort out the important from the
non-important or the life-giving from the life-diminishing when we are right up
against them. Stop. Step away from the crazy. It will be there when you get back.
Find a quiet place perhaps your
living room or the front porch. Take a cup
of your favorite coffee or tea with you.
Bring a Bible, journal and pen. Settle
in. Set a timer for 20 to 30 minutes. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Again.
And again. Now open the Bible to Isaiah
40 or Psalm 104. Read and take it
in. Who God is. What He can take care of. Consider what God is like. In your journal make notes about what you
discovered about God. Let God know you
appreciate Him.
Go into the day rejuvenated knowing
the great God has got this and He cares for you.
8. Touch Therapy
God designed the senses. He has given you the ability to appreciate
the world around you in many ways including touch. Let God reach out to you through your fingertips. Touch the bark of a tree. Pick up the leaves and hold them and wonder
at the life that has pushed through those
veins rather than rush to get them raked and picked up. Make a pile and lie in the middle of
them. Feel the handiwork of God in the season
of Fall. Rejoice in His creative ways.
9. Intentional Intimacy
God made people for
relationships. He wants people to get to
know Him. He wants people to come close. He has made provision for that and has
invited us to come close to Him.
This Fall
take time for intentional intimacy. Go on a retreat. Go away to be with God for a day or two. Escape the routine and purposefully give God
your undivided attention. Talk to
Him. Get into His book. Walk a trail or two. Listen for Him to speak. Feel His Spirit move in you. Be redirected if need be. Be refreshed.
Be close to God.
10. Practical Peace
Peace is not just the absence of
warfare. Ask anyone whose guts are in knots
and feel the world crushing down on their shoulders. They could be an executive or a mother of three
or a teenaged high school student making straight As. Peace is not just getting away from the
things or people that cause pressure.
peace is a beautiful thing. Available to
God’s people no matter what storm is raging in their lives. This practical peace comes from putting God
first and letting Him carry the load. Really.
Don’t let the skeptic come out. Put God first. Determine
not to allow the things or people to be all powerful. Pray asking God to come give a hand. Thank Him for what He is doing. Put your mind on the things that God has
made, the wonders and beauty of life. If
the worries come back. Stop and turn it
back over to Him. Set your mind back to those things that He has made. Focus on what He can do.
Peace will enter in with such alarming power
that you can take on the toughest task and your peace not be shaken. Imagine that.
No meltdowns. No outbursts of anger. No fear of the future. Peace.
Go to God and see what He has for you on this.
Choose on or two of the 10 and see what God does to renew
you this Fall. Keep at it for 21 days and
you will begin a new habit. By Spring
who knows what renewal you will experience.
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